Hi, I’m Mandy

About Me

I’m an executive career coach that offers a blend of analytical rigor and deep intuitive sensibilities. After 15+ years of working at top organizations including American Express, Condé Nast, and General Assembly, I began on my personal path of entrepreneurial discovery and opened up this private coaching practice.

I believe in rigorous study, and received my MBA in finance from Columbia Business School and my undergrad in Sociology from Brown University.

I’ve explored healing modalities such as shamanic work, mind-body integration, yoga, shadow work, and meditation. I am a certified shamanic practitioner, after three years in an intensive program with renowned healer Julie Kramer. I incorporate these practices into my coaching, and am able to guide my clients to a path of honest, raw, joyful healing.




Recently, I received an email from a prospective client — I’m sharing my responses below for you, too.

How long have you been a career coach and why do you enjoy this work?

I’ve been a coach for seven years. My favorite thing is seeing strength in every client I meet; I enjoy being in their corner and believing in them. I enjoy the work because the desire to want more and to become the best version of yourself — to fulfill your potential — is universal. We all want that.

What is your coaching philosophy?

That you have the answer within. That your inner wisdom — which I see as your inner creativity — knows the answer, but it has been muffled, gaslit, or confused. My job is to provide the space and quiet to help you listen to the right voice again.

Do you have any references and what happens if I’m not happy with the service?

Yes! Please see the testimonials on the homepage. If you’re not happy for any reason, I’ll give you a refund. No problem.

What are your areas of expertise?

Tactically, my expertise is in telling the right story with your resume, LinkedIn, and application materials. I’m really good at helping you market yourself and telling your authentic story.

Emotionally, I am a guide to help you navigate your dark night of the soul. I’m well versed in the grey areas of not knowing what’s next.

What kind of results can I expect to see from coaching?

Entering into a coaching partnership means a willingness to take a look at yourself and take accountability for your own actions. Once we are honest with ourselves, we are free.

At best, I hope that you will be more honest with yourself. What really motivates you? What do you really want out of this life? You’ll find yourself making the tougher, bolder decisions that serve your true self.

How do you measure success?

If a client feels more self-assured, has more inner confidence, and is in closer touch with their own wants and needs. If they can demonstrate their personal sovereignty and claim their inner power. If the client starts self-validating and knowing their worth, rather than looking for it from other people.

Tell me about a time when something went wrong in your practice and how you learned from or resolved it.

Things are always going wrong, lol! I think that’s the nature of running your own business. Recently, I hired two really great contractors to grow the business. I thought that’s what “success” for a coach looked like.

But recently, I realized my life goal is to write a romance novel. So I had to be honest with myself. What’s more important: having the business that serves me, or having the business that “looks” good? No. I wanted to have a tighter business where I did the work myself.

I had to undo a lot of things: update my website, being open with my team about the changes, shut down email addresses. Also, getting over the feeling that people were watching and I was messing up. Guess what, no one’s watching!

Tell me about a time when one of your clients achieved their career goals with your help.

Every day! Recent examples:

  • A VP-level product manager at Amazon was promoted to SVP level within the org

  • Clients getting offers from top orgs like Google, Slack, Meta, Goldman

  • Clients going from $200K to $400K comp

  • Client leaving corporate America to start their own small business

  • Client leaving crypto startup to focus on being a mom and taking time off

My Favorite Books 📚

Books that have stayed with me, on this journey of coaching and self-reflection

Creativity, Writing, Life

The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron

Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg

Atomic Habits, by James Clear

Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo

Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert

Shamanism, Psychology, Shadow Work

The Tools, by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

Women Who Run with the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel van der Kolk

Dreaming the Soul Back Home, by Robert Moss

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, by Lindsay C. Gibson